8. Balancing Online and Offline Dating
Construction Contracts Part 3: Certificates issued on a Construction Project.
Many construction contracts require that certificates are issued by the Contract Administrator (most cases Quantity Surveyor) or any other construction professional obliged under a contract in relation to some matter provided for by the forms of the contract. These can either be issued regularly during the course of the works or may signify that a
Construction Contracts Part 3: Certificates issued on a Construction Project. Read More »
Construction Contracts Part 2: Procurement and Contractual Networks in Uganda
In Uganda, the construction industry is shaped by a unique set of factors, including regulatory frameworks, economic conditions, and local industry practices. There are a number of methods that are being used to execute projects with the aim of achieving a designated goal/ plan of action. There are mainly four contractual networks used and these
Construction Contracts Part 2: Procurement and Contractual Networks in Uganda Read More »
Construction Contracts Part 1: Contract Obligations at different stages on a Construction Project.
Contracts vary from project to project and once agreed upon are binding on the parties involved. Presence of these contracts and obligations therein helps regulate practice and resolve disputes. On an ideal construction project, each stage should have parties involved with these parties having contractual obligations binding in any courts of law. In a typical
Claims in Construction Part 2
What is “Claimsmanship”? This term simply means that it’s the contractor’s responsibility to follow up his claims. It involves the employer seeking to enforce low rates and the contractor seeking to have extra works valuated i.e. negotiating claims for additional time or money. Bills of Quantities are very crucial in valuation of claims for they
Claims in Construction Part 1
A Claim is demand for what is due. In construction, demand can be in form of time and/ or cost and the right to it is usually bestowed by the Contract or implied from Common Law. The entitlement to a Contractor for extra pay arises from the defaults of the Employer or his agent i.e.
Failure of Structures
Every day someone somewhere is constructing something in Uganda. It could be a small out-door toilet, an underground tank, shop rental space, rental units, apartments, bungalows, storied residential houses, big shopping complex, huge government building, roads or even a bridge. It is safe to say the construction industry is experiencing that much needed boom with
Design of Reinforced Concrete Slab
Over 90% of framed structures in Uganda are built from reinforced concrete. It’s no shocker as to why this is so considering the environment and the lack of awareness from the common citizen of other types/substitutes of implementing something similar to serve the same purpose. It’s only in recent years that a few Architects and/or
Damp proofing
Damp proofing in Construction is a type of moisture control applied to building walls and floors to prevent moisture from passing into the interior spaces. Damp problems is one of the most frequent problems encountered in majority of homes in Uganda. Damp proofing is a material that resists the passage of water with no hydro-static
Water Proofing
Water proofing is the process of making an object or structure waterproof or water resistant so that it remains relatively unaffected by water or resisting the ingress of water under specified conditions. “Water resistant and “water proof” often refer to penetration of water in its liquid state and possibly under pressure, whereas: “damp-proof” refers to